A bulletin of Mr. Q’s Web on his life, thoughts, and Social Studies for High School Education一個中學教師,江湖稱為酷叟老師(酷叟也夫子)公布校園、教學與生活隨想等相關消息。(managed by Ryan J. Y. Wu 吳瑞元,qsirwu)。
I felt frustrated to find out why I couldn't sync the file between my PC file folder and pCloud drive.
Now I knew for the reason of the top folders' name didn't accept Chinese characters, neither do special letters. Luckily, only the top folders should follow the rules. I think it's O.K. to me. But it should be declared in public, or let the Taiwanese / Mandarin users know.
I hope the Sync folder naming rule will change soon.
"I still have faith in you"的MV從這四人的兒童照,到發跡,再將功成名就時的照片或影像集結,最後,四人以虛擬造像的模式同台,讓觀眾看到他們最紅時1978年代的熟悉面貌。這時,就引我激動起來。主唱在畫面中跟其他三位團員互動,那擁抱、表情和有默契對視卻蘊藏過往所有風雨的背後故事,看到的似乎是和解與團圓,不敢置信真否和解,但寧願信其為真。就像人生中經歷過風暴,好像有天自己也能放下並從容的重逢,創造新階段人生的共榮。